Thursday, May 20, 2010

Teacher's Day

Just a few days ago the nation celebrated Teacher's Day. This is my 2nd year not having the chance to celebrate Teacher's Day in school. I could still remember those days when my table would be filled with cards, flowers and gifts from my dearly students. Well..that's how most of the students in school show appreciation to their teachers. Nowadays, I could still feel the excitement of Teacher's Day accompanying my kids to Hinode Shop to get those cute and fancy gifts for their teachers.

Thanks to FB that now I am still connected to some of my students even though they have left school and leaving me with the memories of their schooling days. I still get oodles of wishes plus gifts, hugs and kisses virtually posted to my FB walls.

The fact is, being a teacher I can plant a seed for it to become a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return. These are to me continual spiritual exercises. You feel good when students telling you how much they thanked you, how much you have changed them and how much you have inspired them. I don't need rewards nor praises but what I ask for is just blessings in life.

Good teachers motivate. Great teachers INSPIRE!! How true...


Rahmah said...

congrats shima! nice blog u have here. keep it going :))

Shima Zainal said...

thanks K Rahmah...